Ooo its been long.
Anyway life's pretty mundane and monotonous with so much mugging to do everyday. Haiyaya. I have been to school a few times to mug with my fellow mates and though we werent exactly very efficient, we had lots of fun! Haha right, you may wonder just how much fun can we have when we spent most of our time in the library, burying our heads in books. But mealtimes always get us excited because thats when the boys who are all so familiar with nus, bring us (the noob girls) along and explore obscure parts of the school. Silly but yesterday was the 1st time I'm at PGP and zomg that place is so nice to stay in! I mean as compared to RVR hahaha.
I know this is ridiculous, but I think I'm going to miss studying with Khoimun, Peter, Chris, Kenny, KiatSoon, Xiaoyan, Wenting and Collen very much after the exams end. I'm going to miss trekking to pgp, taking free buses to different canteens, youtube-ing when we are damn bored and basically just laughing at stupid porn jokes the guys made.
Its amazing how I managed to feel this way despite the exam stress.
I love all my friends!
Friday, April 25, 2008
Posted by JASLYN :) at 5:46 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 18, 2008
I'm on impulse blogging again and thats because I'm feeling sleepy/dont feel like studying/moody.
Pardon me for all these depressing posts recently. Things have been weighing my mind and I know it wont help even by telling more people about it.
I have been thinking too much but just how much meaner can you get with your words?
You just slapped me back to reality.
Posted by JASLYN :) at 9:23 PM 0 comments
I can never trust my guts again.
Especially when I'm dealing with such issues.
Okay, I have to admit I'm somehow affected after knowing the truth.
And to be honest, it hurts, damn bad.
Lets stop cursing and swearing.
Posted by JASLYN :) at 3:59 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
I have tried studying in school library the whole of yesterday.
Wasnt too bad an attempt cause there was a great company to study with.
Will try studying with the same bunch tmr again. Lets hope it will be efficient and productive :)
I dont know if I should be oblivious to certain stuff; but I think I should try to, cause this isnt exactly the best time to get distracted, over such issues.
Right now I just wish I'm ________.
Okay I need to stop thinking so much and do my work!
Posted by JASLYN :) at 12:23 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 14, 2008
Now playing: So Close - Jon McLaughlin
Its freaking 2:07 now and I'm not sleeping. I just caught one webcast and went online spreeing. Sigh, the workload is scaring me out.
I like this song a alot, its emo to the max.
Now, we dont want the same mistake to be repeated again, do we?
Not at this time at least.
Posted by JASLYN :) at 2:07 AM 0 comments
Saturday, April 12, 2008
INSANE but I'm just done with my lsm assignment after conferencing with shaun and kj for a good one hour.
So freaking exhausted now and I have been feeling giddy for 2 consecutive days. I dont know if its giddy spells or i'm just feeling like I'm floating, still.
exams are in 2 weeks, and I totally couldnt concentrate while I was studying ORG today :(
And all my motivations are for the wrong reasons, really.
Dont know what are my plans for tomorrow. Probably just home after tuition, lunch and do some work.
Too much lsm, I'm going insane.
Alright, UAG. STOP.
Posted by JASLYN :) at 1:24 AM 0 comments
Sunday, April 6, 2008
I love the way how we spent our Saturday together yesterday.
Though we were both busy at our own work most of the time, its just comforting to have each other to slog hard with. And it was dinner with his family, back to his house to do more work and his parents sending me back before he booked in.
I stayed home the whole of today to complete my SG and mass tutorials. Time's running short; I need to be more productive during my weekends from now on! MEGA STRESS.
And I hate running errands to fufill my applications for my TA. Tomorrow, I need to find my own way to International Plaza which I have no idea where is it. And judging on my directional sense, I just hope I wont get too lost around the area. After that will be off to school at whatever time I'm done with 2 tutorials and 1 lecture! I'm quite looking forward to this lecture 'cause Prof Hugl will be taking us and I like the new friends I have made there!
I want to find some time off soon to reply sm's mail! Its been really long since I last spoke to her :(
Lets hope this week will be a breeze!
Posted by JASLYN :) at 8:52 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Cant exactly remember but I think this was during the recess week when I met up with Collen and XY for some dinner function at some hotel. Oh man I really miss those carefree days when we can just go out and shop non stop.
Havent updated for quite some time because school work has been sapping every bit of my energy every single day ever since recess week was over. My mid term papers were dragged over a span of 4 weeks and that was totally madness. I'm just glad everything has come to a temporary stop on Monday; for me to take a well deserved break before slogging out all my guts for the finals which is in 4 weeks time. Haha and I'm amazed at my efficiency; I cleared 5 webcasts in 2-3 during school days. One more cm1131 to go and I can safely say I'm back on track. cm1161 test on monday was horrible and I have no idea what are my chances of passing.
I'm just really thankful for all my friends in school to push each other on occassionally through this tough period. Though not all of us managed to do well, we should be glad we are still surviving.
And I'm off to rush my report and webcast again!
Posted by JASLYN :) at 2:52 PM 0 comments