Alright this shall be a pictures filled post since I'm feeling bored and not sleepy yet. Its bad habit to sleep at 3 plus every night.

This was results cum SATC day with Collen. And I still remember those frantic moments
we she had at cine and bk when she insisted on checking her results via sms then. I'm glad I held back because i wouldnt be able to enjoy the movie if I checked.
Ms Clarity with xy and collen. They are by far 2 of my few favourite girls in school and guess its saddening some of us are going on different paths come next sem. But we can all still meet up easily so it may not be that bad afterall.
Met up with HuShing to celebrate her 20th at Wheelock's Fish N Co. Come to think of it, we didnt even meet up at all during our jc years after we left tk but we still feel very comfortable with each other. Haha how often do you get such close knitted friends? Guess some friendships really do not change no matter what, its so heartwarming!

Starbucks with KaiJia and Collen on a random day last week. I miss kj alot; she's my going-home cum lets-complain-about-1161 buddy! Super hardworking and I'm happy for her results too! She's like my motivator for the previous semester haha :)
STELLAwoolala! Haha that's what we used to call her back in lower sec days and I'm super thankful for this girl because there's nothing we cant talk about under the sun. Someone who will patiently listen to your complaints and come up with interesting stories to entertain you as well. My favourite htht mate :)

Latest meetup with BUF last friday for some shopping and comfort (because of _________, i'll let you know if ure supposed to know) Anyway, I didnt know my eyes can be this big though this is such an unglam photo.
Yup so this is roughly it for the past 2 weeks, besides meeting up with FJ on one random Sunday, with Kenneth for a movie and of course, the usuals. OH we had supper last night at Siglap area and before that we were all the singapore pools betting on the spain and sweden match. You know I know nuts about any soccer crap but I still betted on the same slip with auch and pat for a 2-2 and another 2 slips with ter for total goals 3 and 4. So in the end i only won a twiny winy bit for one but lost overall. HAHA i still cant believe i actually followed the guys to chill at some bar for alcohols and watched the entire match till 2! woah this is getting quite coooool hahaha.
Not many plans for the week ahead but well, I think I will still find something to keep myself occupied in the end. But for now its ter again tomorrow!