okay i have finally gotten my fat ass up and uploaded these photos (:

haha i find this photo quite amusing, look at chien stoning behind us :)
anyway, i feel so retarded today! because i stupidly suppose the shopping trip with joy and collen to be scheduled next wed when it was today! SIGH and i was already out shopping with my mum and sis i cant ps them so last minute. i feel like an ultimate loser. but the day was great, tiring but yet fufilling. i need to be less occupied with my own activities and make more time for my family.
i wish i can go on a holiday this dec too. because, i'm kind of the only one in the family not travelling this holiday, with my bro going to thailand on the 14th, sister going to hk on the 17th and parents going to ipoh on the 20th. i need to find something to keep myself occupied during this home alone period :(
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