Simeng is away again, for at least 5 months this time round :( so the whole lot of us went to send her off on saturday night after trying to explore at T3. T3 just seem like a huge shopping mall to me and its really too big to be true. the amount of walking we did to get to T1 is just, undescribable. Met HuShing and Sybil who were there to send sm off as well, and i guess some friendships just dont change. its like us still being able to talk as though we have been keeping in touch all the while.
OHH and the highlight of the night was prata at RK house, credits to hs's driving! Had a great time catching up with her after a gazillion years.
OKAY i need to start doing my work since tutorials are going to start proper next week. And i better start making use of my expensive textbooks because it seems like the whole world has already started tabbing their pages and doing all the extra practices and mine has been sitting at a corner of my room since i bought it. and i always feel so intimidated whenever they start bringing up questions they cant do in the text when i have not even webcast my lectures. maybe i should start later to make myself feel better since i'll be going out tmr and wed. THIS IS BAD, because i'll spend more money and be even more broke for the month :(
AND I STILL CANT SEE THE MOON TONIGHT. i heard it looks good.
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