OMG you have absolutely no idea how freaking stressed I'm right now.
Its just Friday, Saturday and Sunday left and I have millions of work to do :(
I hate to have my weekends spent like that.
Looks like Economics just would not and refuse to try and coordinate with me, after not touching it for almost 2 years! Sick, and I was still thinking of pursuing Econs as my minor. I'm depressed now because I cant do a lot of questions :(
Anyways, I just came back home from dinner with Collen and XY. Spent a great time knowing new people and basically just catching up on our recess week!
Back to mugging. Sigh.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Posted by JASLYN :) at 11:23 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 24, 2008
I dont know whats with the impulse to blog now. But anyway, I find myself quite dumb last night because I didnt bring my camera when I was out and the thing is I always have it with me even in school! So, not much pictures taken, except the 'Mr X' photo taken at minds taken with my lousypok handphone camera! HEHE pn is so hilarious! Just look at him!I think I really had a fright during my bro's car ride back home. Because, we sort of banged into the car next to us in the car park and we were desperate and I had to get down to guide him to reserve and move forward a million times. Oh man, I dont know if we created the little scratch on that car and I really hope not!
And I hate pervy-perved old men/waiters/drunkards at Prinsep.
Sundays can either by very laid back or disgustingly busy rushing through all my work for the week ahead. For today, it'll be heading down to visit my grandpa and do some grocery shopping with the family. Hope it doesn't get too boring.
I seem to feel like I am very free now because the mid term break is here and I dont think thats good. Sigh I desperately need to start studying for my tests in 2 weeks time but I cant seem to find the motivation to and all I think about is going out and more going out :(
Posted by JASLYN :) at 1:01 PM 0 comments
Friday, February 22, 2008
I went to meet both Bens at Vivo for dinner after school yesterday and Ee Loong came along not long after. Settled at Marche for dinner and Secret Recipe for dessert which EL treated me! Oh YAY, I like hanging out with these people, partly because they make me feel young with them! AND I think EE loong is super amusing, oh man I still cant forget about him and his funny antics. HAHAHAHAHA. Meeting them after school really made my day at school a whole lot better. Because Yan and KJ pon school, leaving me alone to attend lecture with _______ and _______. And it wasn't really enjoyable because I felt like a MAJOR lightbulb beside them! Cant blame them cause they are afterall, people going to be in love hehehe. And this was Wednesday night, to celebrate Wenting's birthday and Nadia's belated at Earle's after lsm in school. Its so tough to have a gathering like this because everyone has got different timetables and some of us havent even seen each other in a month or so! Alot more photos but I cant possible upload all of them, so I guess these few will just suffice. Food was alright but the company made up for it :) School will be incredibly boring and disgusting without these people slogging out with me so I'm really thankful for all of them.
BGR problems really eat into people sometimes. I didnt exactly know what to do/say when I saw _______ broke down after the call with the boyfriend. Then I started thinking quite alot again, and realised how I was once, acting that way too. Hmm, I love having these boys talks in school with the girls and we do that all the time, complaining about how some guys should just learn to be better partners. Sigh, but I think its really difficult to change some people, so we just got to live with it. But all these talks are really cool because the guys will join in sometimes and its really interesting to learn how guys think actually. Somethings that are so insignificant to the guys may just piss the hell out of the girls. HMMM.
I'm passing tonight's stayover at Chris's because I have tons of work to do, and because I have work tomorrow morning as well. I wished I could go and join them, but on a lighter note, we are meeting tmr for movie, dinner and then minds!
Posted by JASLYN :) at 8:50 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Pardon me becauseI think I look really sleepy in these photos. BUT thats besides the point.
Posted by JASLYN :) at 9:27 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 14, 2008
And it was a simple, peaceful yet blissful dinner at Sunset Grill and Pub. Happy Valentine's to you, love you :)
Posted by JASLYN :) at 11:45 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 10, 2008

Posted by JASLYN :) at 12:41 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
This blog has been lacking photos but most of them are already up at facebook for convenience of tagging. I spent my day with stella, pampering ourselves with good food, manicures and shopping. not forgetting getting odd stares from weirdo uncle when we were camwhoring. We must go sentosa one day okay!
Days have been passing too fast these few days. And with a blink of an eye, CNY break will be over before we all know it and its time to hit the books again :( its new year eve tomorrow, and i think i should at least stay at home in the day to do some work to make myself feel better during reunion dinner. I visited my grandpa last night, and tears did well up in my eyes when he told my sis and I that he's dying. I dont know why things turn out like this and I hate the entire family politics going on. Its pissing my dad off and although I'm not even involved in these adult-matters but I really cant understand why some of my relatives are acting the way they are. I dont know, I just feel really sorry for my grandpa and I just wish for him to survive the operation and get well soon. Sometimes, I just feel I have never done enough for him as a granddaughter.
Some point in life, you cant help but feel that Life's really full of regrets, don't you?
Like now, I wish you know how I feel.
OKAY I better stop it, I dont want to be an emo momo.
Posted by JASLYN :) at 12:41 AM 0 comments
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Its raining cats and dogs outside and I'm still stuck at ter's place. I'm feeling really bored now, because there's nothing i can do except to surf the net and watch him sleep. I want the rain to stop so that i can go parkway, get my stuff and head home. I miss my bed.
Ter's mum was doing spring cleaning this morning and i really wonder how she's going to clear up the house in time for CNY because to me, his house is just astrociously messy. Well, at least i helped out a little in packing his room, but that only includes helping to make the bed and tidy up junks on the sidetable. I'm really freaking bored now I have to resort to blogging.
Anyway, I've gone for Weishan's farewell cum birthday party last night at Safra Changi and it was a good time to catch up with my VJ classmates and senior class guys once again. Though its been long since I last spoken to any senior but they are really still as crappy and full of shit as usual. It just kinda made me miss those angel mortal times during the 1st 3 months in VJ. Its a pity i didnt manage to get much photos taken last night (because my hands were busy with the bbq chicken wings most of the time!) but i still enjoyed the little class gathering last night.
I have officially started my CNY holidays since last thursday so I'm damn free now because I'll only be going back to school 2 mondays from now. A long break is good but thinking of how much work I have to get started with is a disturbing thought. I need to watch overdued webcasts, do my mass tutorials, self tests, tutorials, report, textbooks and homework assignment just this holiday! I just hope I dont crack big time.
I have finished what I have to say and for the last time, I dont know what else I can do now and I'M BORED. Hmm, right now I'm craving for some good icecream and some good entertainment. Okay bye.
wakeupsoon wakeupsoon WAKEUPSOON.
Posted by JASLYN :) at 1:53 PM 0 comments