It's the 3rd day of CNY and I have spent my entire night at home rushing my part for the project due on monday. But besides that, I had a great dinner (because sis's friends came over for stayover, which means making helluva noise and in turn equals to low productivity and efficiency at work). I still had some fun entertaining them, helping them take many photos so I guess its not too bad afterall. And I'm glad I have finally finished my part for the assignment at least, even though there's still a whole lot of backdated work to do.
Anyway, I just couldnt really feel the festive season this year. At times I can feel it, but the excitement will fade off so quickly and most of the time, I was trying hard to get into the mood. Hmm, maybe I was thinking too much about my work I couldnt enjoy my break properly. OH WELL, lets hope the next CNY will be a better one, with lesser assignments due on the next working day after new year. But the past few days have been quite enjoyable still and I won around 60 big bucks just from placing a one buck bet everytime on Blackjack itself hehehehehe. Okay actually everybody else won, especially my dad (whom won a freaking $110) causing my banker uncle to lose a total of 500 bucks last night! Not much festive mood, but there's still good cny food and goodies to go around and I love those food, really!
This blog is beginning to look a little boring so I have decided to upload some of my favourite recent photos! new year photos will be up sooooon! Cheers to a great Rat year ahead!

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