And this was 18th March, the very night of our third year :)

Our lives are made
In these small hours
These little wonders,
These twists & turns of fate
Time falls away,
But these small hours,
These small hours still remain.
And this was 18th March, the very night of our third year :)
Our lives are made
In these small hours
These little wonders,
These twists & turns of fate
Time falls away,
But these small hours,
These small hours still remain.
Posted by JASLYN :) at 1:19 AM 0 comments
Finally got myself to remove the previous post although I was already feeling much better after that night :)
Posted by JASLYN :) at 1:32 AM 0 comments
In the midst of watching my lsm webcast and I have decided to take a break from it because its boring me out. Havent had the time to update recently and anyway there's nothing much to update about (besides complaining about school all the time) as well.
HAHA surprise surprise, we eventually gave in to the temptations to the pratas from the RK House so we had both Chomps and Pratas for dinner. then it was V for Vendetta at Chris's. I felt the movie was quite nice although I didnt realise a lot of links going on in between. Such a noob.
That was my Saturday and the entire Sunday was spent at Granny's and dinner buffet at Park Royal Hotel. Food was good, it should be because it wasnt cheap. And I seriously stuffed myself till I was on the verge of puking haha. Took lots of photos and I will update again when I have the chance. Really love family gathering like this totally!
I have a bad feeling about this Sem. And its making me worried about my CAP alot. I just feel that everything's falling short of my expectations and I dont know is it because I expect too much from myself or its just me not putting enough effort into my work. Oh well looks like I have to work like ultra hard for the finals to pull my grades up. SIGH this is depressing.
Long day in school again tmr with another last minute project discussion before 1161 lecture :(
And everyday,
I cant help but think of you when I walk home in the rain.
Posted by JASLYN :) at 6:08 PM 0 comments
I'm glad I'm still surviving.
BecauseI had an extremely rough week in school the past few days and now I feel so drained out of energy.
But Oh well, at least 2 papers are over for now and I have to get started for another 2 tests coming up pretty soon.
I shall strive to be less careless for the other 2 papers.
And, I was so fed up with ivle last night when my webcasts cant freaking load properly and I was really extremely frustrated about it. Partly because I was feeling really stressed about clearing up my 6 webcasts badly (its almost 2hrs each which will equal to wasting 12 hrs of my time staring at the screen, getting neckaches, backaches and tired eyes), doing 2 reports, 3 tutorials and 1 assignment just this weekend!
YAY gardens and or prata for dinner later!
Speaking of which, I miss those supper times with those 3.
Posted by JASLYN :) at 7:25 PM 0 comments
I shouldn't be online slacking because there's still so much work yelling at me to do them.
But anyway, I'm craving for Astons now. I'm hungry! Look at this!
Oh man, I really wish I can devour it like now.
I have been really busy up to my neck these few days, and I'm glad Ter got leave and ACC me when I was really desperate for help with my work. We revisited the good ole PCC at T1 with our usual Rocky road and did my work together from 4 to 11 non-stop. Cant believe we actually forgot about dinner. Thank God for him, because I highly doubt I have the patience to sit down and plot a graph with 16?!! tangents! OMG it was insane and I almost broke down because I was so so so stressed and worried the values wont turn out right. Left the airport at 1130 to head to Katong for chicken rice which pissed Ter off because the meal was pathetic.
OH, and I was tailed by this teenage boy when I was on the way home at around 10plus on thursday night because he was uncomfortably close to me and seemed to be trailing my steps. OMG I got really freaked out and scared him off by a really useful but dumb method. And how did I know what to do? Because I had the same experience before, unfortunately.
Sengkang is really unsafe. Now I have chills about going home when night falls :(
Posted by JASLYN :) at 11:16 PM 0 comments