Finally got myself to remove the previous post although I was already feeling much better after that night :)
And I was happy on Saturday! Well, cause I finally met up with ter together with the usuals for the nus band concert at UCC. I havent been to that part of school before and thus, I almost got lost on my way there. Oh man, my directional skills are really quite bad.
It feels a little weird, watching the band friends (from TK and VJ) performing on stage while you are there as an audience. And we took turns to snooze through the symphony and I'm feeling quite ashamed cause I couldnt comment much about that premier piece while others were at it. This week of school will still be manageable until the next, when I have important events almost every single day! 3 tests and 1 interview and I hope I'll survive through that particular hectic week. Cant wait for April 31st because I need to take a breather before the finals are here.
I love my Lina dog! She's like this small, furry, round and brown ball rolling about at home all the time and we really dote on her a whole lot.

Alright, off to catch some sleep!
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