Its 18th July once again:) And I still remember exactly one year ago, I was blogging about how busy I was rushing from place to place beacuse it was my dad's plus stella's birthdays. One new addition on this special day, its Collen's birthday as well. But this year, I have tried to spend more time at home with my dad, which kind of relieve a little of my guilt for staying out till late with or without the car these 2 weeks. Anyway, I met up with terence this afternoon and we went to shop for my dad's birthday cake. And since there was a discount going on at emicakes, we decided to get the Durian Espresso cake! It was really good; the durian fillings are entirely and wholly pure durian paste and the darker brown part of the cake which is the coffee, has a tinge of bitterness which kind of complement the sweetness of the durian paste. It was just... Awesome.
Besides that, I was out yesterday with the uni friends to celebrate Collen's 20th! Happy Birthday buf! Had a great dinner catching up and I cant believe we were actually discussing which modules to take because CORS has finally updated their modules info page and looks like a 4 day work week is still possible in year 2. I have tried browsing through that modules info page but I got tired of it cause I dont know what core modules I should do in the next semester. How is it possible to find something manageable and yet have good lecture timeslots? SIGH i hate bidding. CORS is just depressing but I'll figure something out I guess.

Anyway, I have been out everyday because ter has been clearing his leave and we've been driving around alot (and eating alot because I have been reading food blogs and taking down addresses for our food ventures) lately. We have been out but as usual, we hardly take any pictures when we are out and we are happy and comfortable with it. Haha but I do have alot of photos of food we have been pigging out on and I'm too lazy to upload anymore pictures of food. On wednesday, I picked Jason, Nicholas and Ter up from compasspoint and we headed to JK for prata, sent Nic off to camp and dropped Jason off and then headed to bugis to do a little shopping with Ter. By the way, getting from Bugis to Queensway and trying to escape the ERP gantries is a total bitch seriously. Haha other than that, the street directory has been doing its job, ter has been giving directions well and I have been trying to park decently :) AND I realise when I drive home late at night, I tend to speed when the roads are clear and I secretly like that kind of little thrill. Just hope it wont get me into any trouble :) I'm so so happy ter passed his driving today till he said its as if I'm the one who passed the test! But still, YAY :D
Okay, I better hop onto bed soon, since I have to wake up really early in the morning and head to MOE with my parents and my uncle for some agreeement signing. Then it will be lunch and home to nap before setting off to Corrine's 21st birthday party at Coasta Sands with the family. Goodnight world!
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