Sorry for the lack of updates! Been busy doing nothing productive these 2 weeks :) Well, I think I should blog more since in less than a month's time, school is going to start and the blues will set in perpetually then:( I think my social life will be largely compromised which will be so tragic. Shant think of it now and hope I can enjoy the rest of the holidays without worries! Chilling at Chris's once again when sm's back!(about time). Its been long since I last talked to her and its cool cause everything's pretty much the same. But that day was a stuff-our-faces day, cant remember much except the chomps, RK pratas, DURIANS, booze and snacks ocassionally. Yes, all these in ONE night; kinda impressive huh. More chillouts to look forward to!

This week's gonna be pretty packed as well. Will update again with photos when I have the time. and I know i owe alot of people photos on facebook but i'm too lazy to do it now. soon i promise!
Off to have an early dinner and go pick up my sister from her school!
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