There's some things we don't talk about
Rather do without
And just hold the smile
I wish you knew.
Recess week is coming to an end. And, I'm pretty stressed out now by the many unchecked tasks in my organiser. On a sidenote, my birthday party was awesome! I'm really glad it turned out better than expected. This year's been a ride, and I hope everything good will begin from here on. I want to do a post on my party but I dont have the time! I'm feeling so unprepared for school all over again, main reason cause I had too much fun over the weekend.
There's so much I want to say but I have lost my ability to express. And some things... I think I really asked for them myself. Some days I wish I'm void of emotions. Then I wouldn't think, wouldn't ponder, wouldn't get upset.
Have been seeking solace in music lately. And actually I have always been. Just love how I can relate to some songs and vice versa. I love music; it really does wonders for me emotionally. Yet unfortunately, when some songs which used to hold sweet memories are on the playlist, I wished I didnt have the music on.
I apologize for all these random thoughts. I have been thinking a whole lot again recently. And maybe that explains the lethargy before lecture notes day by day.
Okay I really need to get my act up again. I really shouldnt let these thoughts rule my mind anymore. I have got no time to waste.
I'm going to wake up to a better day tmr :)
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