been meaning to blog about this a long long time ago ever since uni life started. not that the friends you get in uni are hypocrites and all that superficial, its just that you'll realise you can no longer get that familiar sense of belonging to a school through your class. and all these didnt strike me while i was still in VJ, while i was still in 05S28 (officially).
hmm. sometimes i love looking at these pictures and allow many flashbacks come to my mind. i still remember vividly where and when some of these pictures are taken, especially the 1st column center row picture taken in the canteen, that was the last day of A's for most of us (actually except shuqi who still had her chem/math s paper) and then the rest of us went out for once after the entire prelims-As period. and how can i forget the times when we spend so much time stoning in front of the girls' toilet before trutting up for tutorials at the nice blue container classrooms. speaking of which, i dont think the blue classrooms are new or nice anymore, not after people realise they can create a hole in the walls of these rooms HAHA. its funny how i cant recall when we took some of these silly photos above. pardon us for the nerdiness and the noobness but most of them are taken when we were still in year 1. HTHT was what we called ourselves and i will always remember the fun we had during these 2 years. days like camwhoring in the toilet, trying to act dao (which i dont know for what), laughing like crazy idiots, sharing dreams during meals and basically just being disgusting and gay around each other.
some full class pictures at random places in school :) how heart-warming. some of us werent exactly close but i'm glad we are still meeting up occasionally to catch up or to celebrate birthdays. and i realised, maybe the 'hardcore studying days' for As dont suck that much (but still sucked) afterall.
i miss 05S28, or maybe its just VJ.
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