Major picture post ahead.
This week was spent pretty much at home except the weekends, trying to recover from whatever shit i had. Anyway, Friday was NSSN. and thats when reality struck: we are all year4s now omg. things just have to happen to remind us we're REALLY getting old. oh well, i thought the concert was quite disappointing but then again, its NSSN so i guess i cant expect these concerts to be of Majestia standard and once again, i miss playing in a school band and i dont think i'll ever get to anyway.
It was good meeting up with some people; batchmates and crazy juniors you have lost touch with.
and with some of my favourites in VJCSB

Saturday morning was the usual tuition and work's getting better with more familiar faces. the night was dinner with the awesomes and random rotting sessions in town. its beginning to make me hate town during weekends. and finally we decided to go rot at someone's place instead, which made everyone go home and some of us to get our stuff and meet up at sidney's sk house. okay we tried watching lust caution (assuming it was the R21 version) and fast forwarding every single non-sex scene just to get to the 9 mins hot stuff. but it was all a bluff and the boys were so so devastated when its the NC16 version it was so hilarious! the deprived boys.
if you could see clearly, there's actually some actions going on between the bears in benny's and vera's hands HAHA. well then ALONE was next and needless to say, i was really quite freaked out by some of the scenes i gave up watching half way to occassionally peep through my fingers or the bear i'm holding like some loser. it was a scary comedy show, with IT appearing all over the place in the subtitles and the PIM and the PLOY. and we had great laughs over all the stupid subtitles, it was all fun :)
HAHAHA these were some retarded attempts to imitate pim and ploy after the movie and the guys really suck for scaring vera and i so many times around the house.
we ordered macs for supper and had a great complaining and laughing time at our typical mums! and then hit on our mahjong spree from 4 plus in the morning to like 9 plus this morning just to finish one damn round. so imagine just how tired we were and sidney had to force us to continue playing when the rest of us were about to just give up and sleep. i think i never hated mahjong so much in my life before HAHA.
and this is what we got after we completed after our final last round. HAHAHA, not much comments needed for it right (i mean the photo vera, not the IT). walked home and ate my prawn mee my dad bought and slept like a pig until almost evening to wake up for dinner and bathe. i'm feeling tired again i think i need to go sleep soon.
I am already missing the company last night i hope we can have more times like this soon again, before our holidays end and before the boys enlist. my sister is flying off tmr and the house will be so dead and quiet with only my parents and me. and i realised i dont have any plans for next week yet, i think i'll be rotting at home again for most of the time if i dont start organising stuff. okay till the next post!
and your eyes seem to speak a million words;
i wish mine could too
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