High time to update on this transtition to a brand new year :)
Anyway, a family gathering at uncle dennis's new place. and i really really really love the place they are staying in. its really nice and makes everyone all warm and fuzzy; i feel like i'm staying in some sort of bintan resort. some photos taken with different family members and my favourite and youngest cousin Celest is finally a primary one kid! BBQ was great, i heart family gatherings like this :)

Last day of new year was spent bright and early with the mahjong khaki at Roy's, then lunch and grocery shopping at plaza sing for our big countdown that night! We visited Ray's and they were preparing for some new year/birthday/housewarming bash as well :)
It was really a great way to end off the year, with friends counting down with you and lots of booze to go around. We had a feast, what with our homemade chocolate fondue, lots of chips, absolutes and beers, etc; we had difficulties finishing up our food. OHH and the chocolate fondue we attempted is really really nice. i'm going to make it on my own on a second try hehe. and what's a countdown without xbox games, mahjong, poker, movies?

Other than all these fun, i have done some bidding too. I have to admit everytime when I think to myself that CORS isn't too bad a system afterall, some technical difficulty just have to appear. i'm glad I have successfully finished bidding for all my modules in sem2. Now i'm just hoping i can get every module i want.
2007 has been quite a year with so many transitions throughout the year. Made new friends, lost contact with some. I'm not one with new year resolutions but lets just hope 2008 will be a fruitful year ahead! :)
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