I havent been blogging much recently. because i have been too busy going out almost everyday or i'm just purely lazy to. anyway, it has been a great week catching up with many different groups of friends before sem2 starts. the thought of school life after these 6 weeks of hols is pretty disgusting and i really dont know how i'm going to manage the transition yet again. well, below are just some photos taken with friends. check out facebook for more pictures :)

the usuals.

so basically thats how i have spent these last week of my holidays. ohh and i went to send sid off at tekong yesterday! i miss that boy already and its sad watching him walk away :( its nice being there for a 2nd time and while i was there, i cant believe i actually day dream about me being a worried and emo mum, sobbing silently while giving my future son a final hug. so ridiculous right, SIGH guess i have already conceited to the fact i'm getting older and older.
and today i spent the entire afternoon at ter's watching movies and snacking (heavily!). we finished close to 2 pints of bnj's and haigen daaz and this is totally horrid! anyway i havent had so much fun talking so much nonsense like today so i'm really happy now :)
okay i dont think i'll be free to update this regularly anymore since school's starting. lets hope sem 2 will be a great one with hopefully a 3 day work week!
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