Bidding has started. And being the ever decisive me, I am still pondering about what modules I should take. Too many pros and cons to weigh and its really bothering. ARGH.
I'm beginning to get used to my lianzZz hair HAHA. Maybe after looking at it for some time, my mop of hair doesnt seem too indecent anymore. Its a matter of getting used to.
I HAVE WORK/TUITION LATER! And I'm feeling quite lazy about it. Supposed to be there to relieve another tutor but no work was prepared and hopefully I am able to find stuff for the kids to do for 1.5hrs. It feels weird to be teaching on a weekday and I am wondering how did I deal with it for the entire 8-9 months after A's.
It just struck me last night that school's starting in 2 weeks time and I'm so NOT looking forward to 11th August:( Timetable's going to be real hectic and I hope I can still find time to breathe when school starts. Cant imagine the same routine's going to start again, from lectures to tutorials, REPORTS, projects, midterms and EXAMS. OHMYGOD. I should start bracing myself for all the shit that will be coming real soon:(
I have pictures to upload but as usual I'm lazy (what's new anyway haha).
I dont want 22nd August to come though I know I'll be fine. I will miss you bad even when you are digging shellscrape (or however you spell it) in thailand's jungle.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Posted by JASLYN :) at 2:33 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 21, 2008
I'm feeling a little vexed because of ____'s woes. things are taking a bad turn and i dont know if they are going to be better anytime soon:( SIGH this is depressing. I wish ter is out now so I can just pour out everything that is bottled up in me. And the rain is not making things any better. You know sometimes I wish I am somewhere else instead of here.
And I must decide my modules by today.
Posted by JASLYN :) at 2:26 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 18, 2008
Its 18th July once again:) And I still remember exactly one year ago, I was blogging about how busy I was rushing from place to place beacuse it was my dad's plus stella's birthdays. One new addition on this special day, its Collen's birthday as well. But this year, I have tried to spend more time at home with my dad, which kind of relieve a little of my guilt for staying out till late with or without the car these 2 weeks. Anyway, I met up with terence this afternoon and we went to shop for my dad's birthday cake. And since there was a discount going on at emicakes, we decided to get the Durian Espresso cake! It was really good; the durian fillings are entirely and wholly pure durian paste and the darker brown part of the cake which is the coffee, has a tinge of bitterness which kind of complement the sweetness of the durian paste. It was just... Awesome. Besides that, I was out yesterday with the uni friends to celebrate Collen's 20th! Happy Birthday buf! Had a great dinner catching up and I cant believe we were actually discussing which modules to take because CORS has finally updated their modules info page and looks like a 4 day work week is still possible in year 2. I have tried browsing through that modules info page but I got tired of it cause I dont know what core modules I should do in the next semester. How is it possible to find something manageable and yet have good lecture timeslots? SIGH i hate bidding. CORS is just depressing but I'll figure something out I guess.

Posted by JASLYN :) at 11:26 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
I am feeling very hungry and currently am drooling over all the pictures of food in hisfoodblog and ieatishootipost! AND i have a craving for a plate of succulent and fragrant chicken rice now. OMG what is wrong with me, why am i craving for chicken rice at such unearthly hour?! maybe i'll try stuffing my face with raspberry viennese or krispies then i will go to bed.
Alright enough rantings, goodnight world!
Posted by JASLYN :) at 12:04 AM 0 comments
Monday, July 14, 2008
Sorry for the lack of updates! Been busy doing nothing productive these 2 weeks :) Well, I think I should blog more since in less than a month's time, school is going to start and the blues will set in perpetually then:( I think my social life will be largely compromised which will be so tragic. Shant think of it now and hope I can enjoy the rest of the holidays without worries! Chilling at Chris's once again when sm's back!(about time). Its been long since I last talked to her and its cool cause everything's pretty much the same. But that day was a stuff-our-faces day, cant remember much except the chomps, RK pratas, DURIANS, booze and snacks ocassionally. Yes, all these in ONE night; kinda impressive huh. More chillouts to look forward to!

This week's gonna be pretty packed as well. Will update again with photos when I have the time. and I know i owe alot of people photos on facebook but i'm too lazy to do it now. soon i promise!
Off to have an early dinner and go pick up my sister from her school!
Posted by JASLYN :) at 5:09 PM 0 comments