okay honestly i havent shopped like how i did today for a really long time and that really caused my bank account to dip to an all time low again. i need to get my pay really soon, so that i wont feel so guilty everytime i draw money. Work tmr and i'm quite lazy to go actually but i have to because its money we are talking about haha.
another busy day ahead tmr. i need to sleep to let my poor legs get some well deserved rest.
Tired but really satisfied tonight, YAY :D
Friday, December 28, 2007
Posted by JASLYN :) at 11:35 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
This was a day of hawker fare at the good ole parkway parade, a place that is all so familiar to all of us :) Same old place, some faces, same food and even the perpetual bad habit of stoning in a big circle blocking the passage way. HAHA some habits are just hard to change i think.
I'm happy tonight; havent feel like this for a long time :)
Posted by JASLYN :) at 11:48 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 24, 2007
i shall never say life's good anymore; because before you know it, the next moment you're down again.
what a way to spend the christmas. SIGH
Posted by JASLYN :) at 10:54 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 23, 2007
I'm quite broke ever since holidays started, been spending way too much and its not helping when the cab fares decided to increase as well.
anyway, i have been out every night when the parents are not at home; havent exactly been a good sister since i always leave my sister alone to settle dinner by herself. and last night was great catching up with Randall and Edmund at chomps. and while we were pigging out, randall suddenly said 'i think you can eat alot right', HAHAHA i really didnt know whether to laugh or to cry!
i feel really glad to be still in contact with these people because come to think of it, who in the world still actually bothers to meet up with primary school classmates. although its only the 3 of us, i guess we are some of the few who can really talk at the same wavelength. we were saying how we actually realise we can connect better with some others whom we were never close before after we graduated. its like after everyone moved on, and when all of us meet up, the people and conversations are not the same anymore. people who were closest to you suddenly seemed so distant while people whom you secretly thought was weird then, happen to connect now. ohh and other than that, we did a mini confession of our crushes back then, come to think of its quite gay hahahahahaha.,

and we went to welcome ms sm back at T1 just now! i was pretty excited and it was all good seeing her again. hope tmr will be fun catching up at east coast :)
Life's been good.
Posted by JASLYN :) at 11:57 PM 0 comments
Saturday, December 22, 2007
i wish my parents can come back like SOON.
it sucks waking up late, feeling hungry but yet cant find any food on the table.
i'm sick of outside food; i miss my mum's cooking.
i think i'm too spoilt and the thrill of parents-not-home feeling has died out unfortunately.
okay actually they'll be back tomorrow, so enough crap haha.
ohh and we finally met up last night! with everybody, except sm of course (but soon! yay) its been really long since everyone can get together AND to celebrate belated birthdays. it has already been a year since we went bintan together but everything's still so vivid in our minds! like the banana boat! Roy and I were reminiscing (yet again) on our way back and its indeed true that the after A's period was really the best holiday ever. guess we will never be able to feel that way again, but at least we knew ours were activities-filled so its all good (: we better make sure the '09 trip will materialise, be it backpacking or eatandshop!
Posted by JASLYN :) at 3:34 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 20, 2007
you know something,
i'm not going to let you get me down this time.
Posted by JASLYN :) at 11:44 PM 0 comments
Alvin and the Chipmunks is funny, i like. especially the fat Theodore.
Guess i have been easily irritated these few days, nothing seems to make me really happy.
Probably another home alone episode tmr with almost everyone in the family overseas and I have absolutely no plans for tmr! SIGH.
I have been feeling so much lately, and it sucks when you just cant seem to put them down in words properly.
I dont know if you call this emotional.
Posted by JASLYN :) at 12:54 AM 0 comments
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Major picture post ahead.
This week was spent pretty much at home except the weekends, trying to recover from whatever shit i had. Anyway, Friday was NSSN. and thats when reality struck: we are all year4s now omg. things just have to happen to remind us we're REALLY getting old. oh well, i thought the concert was quite disappointing but then again, its NSSN so i guess i cant expect these concerts to be of Majestia standard and once again, i miss playing in a school band and i dont think i'll ever get to anyway.
It was good meeting up with some people; batchmates and crazy juniors you have lost touch with.
and with some of my favourites in VJCSB

Saturday morning was the usual tuition and work's getting better with more familiar faces. the night was dinner with the awesomes and random rotting sessions in town. its beginning to make me hate town during weekends. and finally we decided to go rot at someone's place instead, which made everyone go home and some of us to get our stuff and meet up at sidney's sk house. okay we tried watching lust caution (assuming it was the R21 version) and fast forwarding every single non-sex scene just to get to the 9 mins hot stuff. but it was all a bluff and the boys were so so devastated when its the NC16 version it was so hilarious! the deprived boys.
if you could see clearly, there's actually some actions going on between the bears in benny's and vera's hands HAHA. well then ALONE was next and needless to say, i was really quite freaked out by some of the scenes i gave up watching half way to occassionally peep through my fingers or the bear i'm holding like some loser. it was a scary comedy show, with IT appearing all over the place in the subtitles and the PIM and the PLOY. and we had great laughs over all the stupid subtitles, it was all fun :)
HAHAHA these were some retarded attempts to imitate pim and ploy after the movie and the guys really suck for scaring vera and i so many times around the house.
we ordered macs for supper and had a great complaining and laughing time at our typical mums! and then hit on our mahjong spree from 4 plus in the morning to like 9 plus this morning just to finish one damn round. so imagine just how tired we were and sidney had to force us to continue playing when the rest of us were about to just give up and sleep. i think i never hated mahjong so much in my life before HAHA.
and this is what we got after we completed after our final last round. HAHAHA, not much comments needed for it right (i mean the photo vera, not the IT). walked home and ate my prawn mee my dad bought and slept like a pig until almost evening to wake up for dinner and bathe. i'm feeling tired again i think i need to go sleep soon.
I am already missing the company last night i hope we can have more times like this soon again, before our holidays end and before the boys enlist. my sister is flying off tmr and the house will be so dead and quiet with only my parents and me. and i realised i dont have any plans for next week yet, i think i'll be rotting at home again for most of the time if i dont start organising stuff. okay till the next post!
and your eyes seem to speak a million words;
i wish mine could too
Posted by JASLYN :) at 10:36 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
been meaning to blog about this a long long time ago ever since uni life started. not that the friends you get in uni are hypocrites and all that superficial, its just that you'll realise you can no longer get that familiar sense of belonging to a school through your class. and all these didnt strike me while i was still in VJ, while i was still in 05S28 (officially).
hmm. sometimes i love looking at these pictures and allow many flashbacks come to my mind. i still remember vividly where and when some of these pictures are taken, especially the 1st column center row picture taken in the canteen, that was the last day of A's for most of us (actually except shuqi who still had her chem/math s paper) and then the rest of us went out for once after the entire prelims-As period. and how can i forget the times when we spend so much time stoning in front of the girls' toilet before trutting up for tutorials at the nice blue container classrooms. speaking of which, i dont think the blue classrooms are new or nice anymore, not after people realise they can create a hole in the walls of these rooms HAHA. its funny how i cant recall when we took some of these silly photos above. pardon us for the nerdiness and the noobness but most of them are taken when we were still in year 1. HTHT was what we called ourselves and i will always remember the fun we had during these 2 years. days like camwhoring in the toilet, trying to act dao (which i dont know for what), laughing like crazy idiots, sharing dreams during meals and basically just being disgusting and gay around each other.
some full class pictures at random places in school :) how heart-warming. some of us werent exactly close but i'm glad we are still meeting up occasionally to catch up or to celebrate birthdays. and i realised, maybe the 'hardcore studying days' for As dont suck that much (but still sucked) afterall.
i miss 05S28, or maybe its just VJ.
Posted by JASLYN :) at 1:53 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 10, 2007
I'm down with flu and sorethroat; not exactly a good way to kickstart my holidays i guess. the medicine is killing me, i've spent most of my time in bed, blasting songs from my playlist and occasionally waking up for some inputs and outputs. Being sick now seriously suck, because there are tons of things you want to do but you cant cause whenever you try to, your head feels heavy and its telling you to go back to sleep. but the more you sleep the heavier your head feels and the cycle repeats :(
oh anyway i have watched millions of movies online these few days as well, i think there's no need for me to patronise cinemas in the future yay.
Alright, back to sleep.
Now that it's all said and done,
I can't believe you were the one
To build me up and tear me down,
Like an old abandoned house.
What you said when you left
Just left me cold and out of breath.
I fell too far, was in way too deep.
Guess I let you get the best of me.
Posted by JASLYN :) at 10:09 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 9, 2007

i'm tired after a heavy lunch, i'm hitting the bed (:
Posted by JASLYN :) at 1:15 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 7, 2007
okay i have finally gotten my fat ass up and uploaded these photos (:

haha i find this photo quite amusing, look at chien stoning behind us :)
anyway, i feel so retarded today! because i stupidly suppose the shopping trip with joy and collen to be scheduled next wed when it was today! SIGH and i was already out shopping with my mum and sis i cant ps them so last minute. i feel like an ultimate loser. but the day was great, tiring but yet fufilling. i need to be less occupied with my own activities and make more time for my family.
i wish i can go on a holiday this dec too. because, i'm kind of the only one in the family not travelling this holiday, with my bro going to thailand on the 14th, sister going to hk on the 17th and parents going to ipoh on the 20th. i need to find something to keep myself occupied during this home alone period :(
Posted by JASLYN :) at 10:02 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Yesterday was splendid with stella, and i'm glad i'm starting work later so at least i can shop without feeling too guilty. clothes that i like are priced way too out of budget; maybe i should turn to online shopping as well.
i wish i dont have to work, so i can just rot at home whenever i'm free.
anyway, jing's dance concert last night was fabulous. though i'm not a dancer, but somehow i love going for dance concerts. maybe because there was influence from stella back in tk and now jinglin in VJ. but besides that point, watching jing dance on stage always left me feeling inspired, not inspired to dance but its this weird sense of strong determination she has to overcome every obstacle that comes her way. i'm in awe, and i'm really proud of her and her achievements :)
and i realised i havent comment much on my exams. anyway most of the papers suck, just hoping for the bell curve to save my life. these 5 weeks of holidays can never be enough, not forgetting there's still another round of bidding to do and timetable building AGAIN. i think i have never ever hated school so much in my life before.
there are so many things to pack in my room. but first, i need to clear my Alevels crap to make way for my uni nonsense. i'm so horrible at packing even my sister is neater than me. but its such a chore and i always end up sneezing at all the dust.
many things to look forward to:
1) shopping with the girls
2) crabs with awesome
3) meeting up with friends
4) 19th dec when ter finally gets his long leave till next year
5) nadiah's bday celebration
6) sentosa trip with schoolmates
7) sm's return
8) exercising with the sister and waiting for gifts to come back from hongkong
lets hope this holiday will be really fun-filled.
Posted by JASLYN :) at 1:25 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
The morning air finally smells free!
this sem has officially ended, have been looking forward to 4th dec ever since i begin to hate school haha! anyway yesterday was great fun with the 4 who have ended with me after our 1421 disgusting math paper. so now, there's collen and joy who just ended theirs today at 11 and nadiah and ada ending this friday (omg, that really sucks) before we can all have a get together with leicester. he left school; and gosh, i really miss seeing him around in school. cant wait to meet up with him!
YAY life's good; meeting stella for lunch, movie then with the rest for concert :)
26th dec can just go fly kite.
Posted by JASLYN :) at 11:27 AM 0 comments