My mood's been bad these 2 days. Because they are days i do not need to drag my ass to school and yet i had to fall sick. I felt like dying yesterday, having fever and weird indigestion stomachache is not a joke. I'm still feeling it now but I had to force myself to finish up my work which are due tomorrow :(
School sucks; big time.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Posted by JASLYN :) at 8:07 PM 0 comments
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Another week of school awaits yet again. SIGH its only the third week into school and i'm feeling shagged already. shagged from what i dont know since i havent been reading up much. a little homework project due tomorrow and i have to be in school by 10. oh my i'm just hoping i wont be late again and waste money on undeserving cab rides. not only that, but most importantly i cant afford to be late for meetings because there's peer evaluation at the end of the course.
i'm totally feeling the monday blues right now and maybe that explains why i seemed so moody the entire day. i shall curb this disgusting feeling because i know it'll all pass tmr!
this semester feels a little odd; i seem to have lost all my motivation and hype (as if there was anyway) for school and its getting a tad worrying.
okay i need to hit the bed now if i plan to jog tomorrow. (because the guys said it is the best way to lose weight hahaha)
Posted by JASLYN :) at 11:33 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 25, 2008
I dont know if i'm being too sensitive, but things between different friends seemed to be quite weird in school. With some forging stronger friendships, some chose to drift apart. Sigh it doesnt help when we need to do projects together. And i dont like the feeling of knowing how some secretly do not like some because of blah blah when we are all in a group. SIGH i dont know if i should even bother to try to make things better. i just dont understand why cant we talk it out.
OH and after waking up at noon for almost everyday since school started, i needed to get to school by a insane (to me it is at least) 10 a.m. yesterday. and of course i had to wake up late to cab down to nus during peak hour. so i blew a freaking 27 bucks on the cab fare i still cant believe it. thank goodness the ride was pleasant with the uncle going on and on about 'you are what you eat'. learned quite some stuff so i'll take it as some enriching lesson about diet. and he said fish's skin is good for the skin so i guess i'll try to consume more of it.
Tutorials start proper next monday and i better get started with my work before i lag behind too much. AND i'm still hesitant about applying for the teaching awards scholarship. SHOULD I?
Posted by JASLYN :) at 9:18 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
frankly speaking school will never feel like it has started given the rate i'm going out every single non-school day. BUT time sacrificed for studying is all worth it with such fabulous crazy camwhor-ic friends :) YAY YAY YAY i'm really happy and satisfied :)
I want to meet up with the nine-TEENS soon again because they are such fun. and of course, the girls' school talk with collen and xy. okay i'll update this really soon with photos because i need to go watch my amazing race now. yay so exciting. but school's probably gonna suck tmr. okay till then! :):)
Posted by JASLYN :) at 11:20 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Simeng is away again, for at least 5 months this time round :( so the whole lot of us went to send her off on saturday night after trying to explore at T3. T3 just seem like a huge shopping mall to me and its really too big to be true. the amount of walking we did to get to T1 is just, undescribable. Met HuShing and Sybil who were there to send sm off as well, and i guess some friendships just dont change. its like us still being able to talk as though we have been keeping in touch all the while.
OHH and the highlight of the night was prata at RK house, credits to hs's driving! Had a great time catching up with her after a gazillion years.
OKAY i need to start doing my work since tutorials are going to start proper next week. And i better start making use of my expensive textbooks because it seems like the whole world has already started tabbing their pages and doing all the extra practices and mine has been sitting at a corner of my room since i bought it. and i always feel so intimidated whenever they start bringing up questions they cant do in the text when i have not even webcast my lectures. maybe i should start later to make myself feel better since i'll be going out tmr and wed. THIS IS BAD, because i'll spend more money and be even more broke for the month :(
AND I STILL CANT SEE THE MOON TONIGHT. i heard it looks good.
Posted by JASLYN :) at 12:03 AM 0 comments
Friday, January 18, 2008
Its been quite a while. Nothing spectacular's been going and therefore nothing from school was worth mentioning. these few days have been rather boring; now that i go to school at most thrice a week. and still in the process of making my week a 2 days week. Having too much break during a school week isnt that fantastic afterall, knowing myself, i'll probably be slacking most of my time and end up with tons of last minute work instead. Oh well, since next sem's gonna suck, i might as well enjoy this semester :)
So right now, i'm just slacking at home, watching tv and eat myself fat.
OHOHOH, and collen and i are still very excited with the fact that there's webcast for econs! we are going shopping soon!!!!!
okay that sounded really bimbotic hehehehehe.
Posted by JASLYN :) at 1:32 PM 0 comments
Saturday, January 12, 2008
sometimes i really dont understand my mum. she has this weird habit of being so irritated whenever any part of my house gets messy, well especially my room. i dont deny my room being a little abnormally messy but still i dont think its worth raising our voices because of that. then you know the usual mums, going on about how she juggled schooling and housework back in EONS. okay come on la, times have changed and so do people so you cannot expect me to live like how you did last time right. so what now, i'm supposed to handle my studies, tuition work and housework at the same time? its really ridiculous.
i just feel i havent been able to communicate with my mum recently. and i hope its just the her hormones at work. shit ass, right now i'm going to start packing a part of my room at this ridiculous hour and just leave house for gardens to appease myself.
Posted by JASLYN :) at 7:59 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 11, 2008
I havent been blogging much recently. because i have been too busy going out almost everyday or i'm just purely lazy to. anyway, it has been a great week catching up with many different groups of friends before sem2 starts. the thought of school life after these 6 weeks of hols is pretty disgusting and i really dont know how i'm going to manage the transition yet again. well, below are just some photos taken with friends. check out facebook for more pictures :)

Posted by JASLYN :) at 10:43 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 4, 2008
High time to update on this transtition to a brand new year :)
Anyway, a family gathering at uncle dennis's new place. and i really really really love the place they are staying in. its really nice and makes everyone all warm and fuzzy; i feel like i'm staying in some sort of bintan resort. some photos taken with different family members and my favourite and youngest cousin Celest is finally a primary one kid! BBQ was great, i heart family gatherings like this :)

Last day of new year was spent bright and early with the mahjong khaki at Roy's, then lunch and grocery shopping at plaza sing for our big countdown that night! We visited Ray's and they were preparing for some new year/birthday/housewarming bash as well :)
It was really a great way to end off the year, with friends counting down with you and lots of booze to go around. We had a feast, what with our homemade chocolate fondue, lots of chips, absolutes and beers, etc; we had difficulties finishing up our food. OHH and the chocolate fondue we attempted is really really nice. i'm going to make it on my own on a second try hehe. and what's a countdown without xbox games, mahjong, poker, movies?

Other than all these fun, i have done some bidding too. I have to admit everytime when I think to myself that CORS isn't too bad a system afterall, some technical difficulty just have to appear. i'm glad I have successfully finished bidding for all my modules in sem2. Now i'm just hoping i can get every module i want.
2007 has been quite a year with so many transitions throughout the year. Made new friends, lost contact with some. I'm not one with new year resolutions but lets just hope 2008 will be a fruitful year ahead! :)
Posted by JASLYN :) at 6:35 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
kind of had a bad start to this new year. this morning i was feeling pretty emotional after leaving roy's place where we had our new year countdown and stayover. tons of thoughts are weighing me down after this countdown and they still are. but honestly, the stayover itself was really fun, stupid and crazy at times and i'll update about all these another time, not in the mood to do it now.
i'm feeling quite shitty now and i just quarelled with my mum. SIGH sometimes i really dont know what i'm doing but i know i'm just attempting to vent my pent up anger/moodiness. and this feeling sucks after you have thought through what you have done but you just cant bring yourself to apologise.
and school is not helping at all. all these modules choosing and bidding is driving me nuts.
i'm vexed now.
though its nothing much but somehow i just feel that everything's not going my way.
i wish i can believe so deeply again, i want to regain that confidence.
Posted by JASLYN :) at 8:04 PM 0 comments