Thursday, September 20, 2007

i was just reading through my previous entries in my blog and i realised ever since i went school, ive been blogging about, sad stuff. oh well, didnt mean to be that way, cuz there are fun times as well, but because of you know, human nature, i tend to dwell about depressed stuff too. anyway there are so many overdued photos to be uploaded but i'm really quite lazy, more like no time to do it. soon soon i promise, and the recess week is finally here! its finally a break from trekking uphills, slopes and stairs for a week and trying very hard to understand the foreign stuff i'm learning. dont feel like going school tmr again, but i think i should before this becomes a habit HEH. i watched my first webcast today, and i guess its rather effective, though i felt like dozing off staring at my laptop. i havent been exercising at all ever since school started, all the swimming, gyming and jogs are all diminished. i feel so unfit, though many a times i still pant like shit when i finally reach school. haha lets hope the hills and slopes in school will continue to keep me not so unfit :)

its dinner time yay!
lets persevere on, because we know things can only get better from here :)


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