Tuesday, January 1, 2008

kind of had a bad start to this new year. this morning i was feeling pretty emotional after leaving roy's place where we had our new year countdown and stayover. tons of thoughts are weighing me down after this countdown and they still are. but honestly, the stayover itself was really fun, stupid and crazy at times and i'll update about all these another time, not in the mood to do it now.

i'm feeling quite shitty now and i just quarelled with my mum. SIGH sometimes i really dont know what i'm doing but i know i'm just attempting to vent my pent up anger/moodiness. and this feeling sucks after you have thought through what you have done but you just cant bring yourself to apologise.

and school is not helping at all. all these modules choosing and bidding is driving me nuts.
i'm vexed now.
though its nothing much but somehow i just feel that everything's not going my way.

i wish i can believe so deeply again, i want to regain that confidence.


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