Wednesday, May 14, 2008

I realise as I grow older, I'm lacking the courage to face such issues.
Maybe I should just stop ______.
Because, honestly, I do not like what I'm feeling now.
I hope this disgusting feeling will fade away soon enough.

Anyway, we caught Harold and Kumar today and it was dumb. Thank goodness I have only paid 6bucks for it because its not worth any cent of my money and the entire show is dumb and stupid.

I cant wait for this Saturday; major gossip time with Collen after trail training.

It is indeed true how some friendships are so fragile and can be changed so easily. More importantly, how can one fall for another in such a short span of time? Then again, its none of my business, so lets just heck so long as I'm happy and satisfied with my own life :)

I'm tired; heading bed now.


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