Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Been thinking about back to blogging religiously again cause I have been reading many blogs and thought it would be nice to actually have something which can recount what happened when I was younger. But it seems like I have passed the phase when I would blog about my daily life and whatever haps along with it. Oh well, we shall see.

And results were out today. It was above my expectations; maybe cause I set a really low target this time round. And.... weird thing was my parents thought I was upset with my results and came in one by one to comfort me, telling me it's already very good and that I shouldn't put so much pressure on myself and blahhhhhhhh. Its really quite queer since they never did anything close to this before and I had to tell them I'm not upset actually. Funny.

This holiday. Its been a rollercoaster really. I haven't been a good daughter, I haven't been a good friend to some. I have been focusing a whole lot on some issues, past and current. Some issues are screwing my mind up and I'm in desperate need to reprioritise my focus in life. Somethings I realise I haven't quite exactly get over as much as I think I had. Some people whom I grew to treasure and love more while watching some drift away. People come, people go. Everyday has been whizzing past and these few days have been good with the special people in my life:) We have spent last night and today together and it was a revival of our post A's days and it felt really good. Fat sluts anthems sang in unison and good food shared along with major bitching/catching up sessions. Love this group of people and food and mj wouldn't be the same with anyone else:)

The usuals. Another group of people whom I'm steady with for a damn long time. Friends whom I know I can count on and they were there for me when I needed them. Not much spoken but we know how much everyone of us appreciate each another despite laughing and getting pissed off by one another at times.

BUF. Nothing much needed to be said cause she's always there for me when I needed someone to talk to, be it serious or nonsense. School would probably be really shitty without her company and thanks for making things so much better buf! you know I'm always here for you too and I love you much:) Thanks for understanding me so well and know how I feel even when I don't breathe a word sometimes.

JJ. Another friendship of 8 years which I really treasure. Thanks for being someone so steady I know I really can count on no matter what. Really a significant someone who did so much to pull me up together when I was down and out. No words can express how thankful I'm for everything you have done for me and for us. I know our friendship will last a lifetime:)

K. I know you don't even know about the existence of this blog but despite the short amount of time we actually got to know each other, I dare say you're someone I would turn to when I'm down and when all I need is a listening ear. Thanks for never giving up on me all these while:)

DT. My fellow major big fan of Sheldon:) You're somebody I can really connect to and speak my mind without qualms and a big thankyou for being special the way you are, for the constant encouragements and advices you gave and for the jokingly establised pact you made just to cheer me up. I'll miss you when you are gone for the next few months:(

Vera. Never found anyone sharing such a similar life like I do and I'm really really awfully thankful we had each other through the bad times and hopefully the good ones too! Thanks for making me see things I fail to see and I'll always be there for you when you need someone okay! Love you much:)

And many more people whom I like to mention but I haven't meet up with them! So till then, I will do another update again before the year ends:)


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