Friday, April 25, 2008

Ooo its been long.

Anyway life's pretty mundane and monotonous with so much mugging to do everyday. Haiyaya. I have been to school a few times to mug with my fellow mates and though we werent exactly very efficient, we had lots of fun! Haha right, you may wonder just how much fun can we have when we spent most of our time in the library, burying our heads in books. But mealtimes always get us excited because thats when the boys who are all so familiar with nus, bring us (the noob girls) along and explore obscure parts of the school. Silly but yesterday was the 1st time I'm at PGP and zomg that place is so nice to stay in! I mean as compared to RVR hahaha.

I know this is ridiculous, but I think I'm going to miss studying with Khoimun, Peter, Chris, Kenny, KiatSoon, Xiaoyan, Wenting and Collen very much after the exams end. I'm going to miss trekking to pgp, taking free buses to different canteens, youtube-ing when we are damn bored and basically just laughing at stupid porn jokes the guys made.

Its amazing how I managed to feel this way despite the exam stress.

I love all my friends!


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